Soils and Crops (ISSN: 2095-2961, CN: 23-1580/S)is a quarterly published journal in Chinese, which will come into publication in March, 2012. This research journal is sponsored by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is one of the integrated academic periodicals in soil science, agroecology and other fundamental disciplines related to soil and ecology.
    Soil and Crop aims at introducing the up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil and crop system, improving the optimization of soil management and continued increase in farmland productivity, providing communication platform for domestic and international academic exchanges and personnel training of relevant disciplines, and promoting the sustainable development of regional agriculture.
    The journal presents full-length research articles that describe original and fundamental findings of significance that contribute to understanding the interaction, mechanism and regulation between soil and crop system under climate change scenario. Soil and Crop also publishes shorter communications reporting significant new findings. Review articles are also warmly welcomed.
    The journal will consider submissions on the quality of soil fertility and crop productivity; soil moisture/nutrient availability and crop growth; the interactions between soil beneficial/harmful pathogenic microorganisms and crops; and adaptation of rhizosphere microenvironment to climate change in the aspects of soil biochemistry and physics; molecular biology; crop stress biology; and growth modeling. Research on conservation, management and efficient use of soil and crop resources, and crop ecology also falls within the scope of the journal.
    Editorial Committee & Editorial Office of Soil and Crop

Editor-in-Chief: ZHANG Fusuo
Executive Editor-in-Chief: LIU Xiaobing
Address: 138 Haping Road, Nangang District, Harbin 150081, P. R. China

Tel: +86-0451-8662 3742  Fax: +86-0451-8660 3736